Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meeting Notes off snow: Pressure Maintinace and Change

Here are the notes from tonight's (2/22/10) meeting:

Attendance: Kevin, Cindy, Kate, Charlie, Dennis, Schanzy, Jeremy, Will, Tom, Kristen

Topic: Flexing and Extending as it Relates to Pressure Management

Kevin and Charlie talked about Ron LeMaster's virtual bump, and how the top of the turn the pressure is light, middle the pressure is medium, and the end the pressure is heaviest as it relates to external forces. Schanzy talked about increasing bend of the ski throughout the virtual bump turn. Will then said the diagram was incorrect, and the turn shape should be more like a J if the bend and pressure isn't consistent thoughout the turn.

Dennis talked about his intent for pressure management, in that he imagines standing on a bathroom scale, and trying to keep the needle in the same spot.

So, with that thought, what are we trying to accomplish? Will said that wherever in a turn is the highest pressure, the center of mass is vertically farthest from the platform. Is this true in all situations? In hard snow, the most bend of the ski is when the center of mass is farthest away from the platform. However, I didn't believe this was true in bumps. The highest pressure was when the skis hit the bump, and the center of mass was moving closer to the platform to absorb the forces. There is also chalky snow, in that if your CM moves father away from your platform or your edge increases, the consequence is the ski chatters. To decrease chatter, you need to keep moving, decrease your edge angle, and keep steering throughout the turn. This begs the question, what is real vs ideal, and does the ideal change with terrain choices on and off piste. We will need to explore this tomorrow.

Game plan for tomorrow
Use Michael Rogan's sound board/mixing board to ski through the virtual bump, muscular vs. skeletal stacking, and real vs. ideal maintenance change flexion/extension. We will vary speed, terrain, and turn shape.

We will meet at 9AM at the bottom of Exhibition. Any late comers will meet at 10:45 at MGR.

We also need to discuss at lunch whether the blog should be public or private (invite only).

Please add any further ideas before tomorrow morning-

Bill Seguin notes-

Talk with a purpose, use your eyes, facial expressions, and voice to draw in the audience. Tap into your energy so that is goes into your connection with the audience and doesn't get leaked. Lean forward toward the group, and be aware of your geography. Male power stance is a more equal stance with hands at the side, and the female power stance is one where one foot is in front of the other and hands out front. Stand and move with a purpose. Audience has CPA- continual partial attention, your goal is increase this attention.

There were some great presentations, I feel honored to be included in this group!!


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